Plumbing issues are not usually obvious straight away, and Kitec plumbing is one that could silently arise in houses constructed or rebuilt between 1995 and 2007. Although Kitec pipes have been proven to deteriorate with time, increasing the danger of leaks and pipe bursts, they were once thought of as a reasonably affordable and easy-to-install option. Should your residence be within this period, checking your plumbing might prevent unanticipated harm. Knowing what to search for can help you find such problems early on and guard your house from costly water-related repairs.

How to Recognize Plumbing by Kitec

Check For Unique Colors of Your Pipes

Examining pipes that are accessible is the simplest method of checking for Kitec plumbing. Kitec pipes are typically orange for hot water and blue for cold water. They stand out from ordinary copper or PVC pipes because of their vivid hues. Look under your crawlspace or basement, beneath sinks, and next to your water heater. You may have Kitec plumbing in your house if you notice these colors.

Examine the Pipe Markings

Kitec pipes have distinct marks on the label in addition to color. On the pipes, look for the words “Kitec” or “KTC” written directly. Additionally, labels such as “CSA B137.9/10” or “ASTM F1974,” which specify the kind of plastic used, may be visible. Kitec plumbing is probably present if you see these labels.

Examine the Fittings

Brass fittings used in Kitec systems are susceptible to corrosion and eventual failure. Early corrosion may be indicated by browning, flaking, or white deposits on these fittings. Examine any areas where pipes connect to appliances or around pipe junctions. A more thorough examination of your home’s plumbing may be necessary if the fixtures seem worn.

Where to Look in Your House

Under Sinks and Vanities

One of the simplest locations to inspect is under sinks where exposed pipes are located. Find the orange and blue pipes by shining a flashlight.

Area Around your Water Heater

Examine the pipes that link to your boiler or water heater since Kitec plumbing was often utilized in heating systems.

Utility Room and Basement

There may be exposed piping in your utility room or basement if there are unfinished parts.

The Reasons Kitec Plumbing Requires Care

Kitec plumbing is prone to break down over time, resulting in unexpected leaks or bursts. Pressure within pipes may lead them to break, and rust is a common cause of component failure. Failure to address this problem may result in costly water damage repairs. Many individuals opt to upgrade their appliances to provide long-term peace of mind and prevent unexpected difficulties.

Take Care of Kitec Plumbing to Protect Your House Early

Although it may not seem like much, checking for Kitec plumbing might help avoid future significant water damage. You may find out whether your house has this troublesome system by looking for certain colors, markings, and corrosion indicators on your pipes. It’s a good idea to get a plumber’s opinion if you think your house has Kitec plumbing. By taking early action, you may avoid expensive repairs and gain trust in the plumbing system of your house.Replace your damaged Kitec plumbing right now to save your house from expensive water damage. For professional inspection and replacement services, get in touch with Sacramento Repipe & Plumbing. Secure your plumbing system right now with reputable experts rather than waiting for leaks. Give us a call now!